Friday, July 24, 2009

Family fun

This weekend was the Davis family reunion. It was so much fun. There were kids and tasty treats everywhere! Friday night everyone came to Mimi & BaPa's house. Abby, Catie and Jillian got there really early so we could play. Then Caleb and Luke came. A couple hours later, everyone was there. On Saturday we went to the Ramsey Zoo and then played at the park. I tried to go swimming with everyone too but it was too cold. I took a nap instead. That night we had a picnic at the park. I loved playing on the swings and in the sand at the sand volleyball courts. All the kids were rushed off for baths after the fun in the sand. Then I got to play until bedtime with Caleb, Gabby and Catie. We played dogs. It was so much fun!

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