Saturday, June 28, 2008

Fun day with my family

Today I slept in until 10 am. I was up late at our new friend's house with my Mommy & Daddy. Daddy took me for a run while Mommy taught yoga. After lunch (which I wouldn't eat), we went to Lulu and Lugi to get Lula Mae some food. I love to see the tiny white haired chihuahua there. Afterwards I played at the fountain for a while until it really started raining. Then we went to the Galleria. I fell asleep in the car. While I was sleeping Mommy got me some new shoes and clothes. When I woke up it was time for dinner. We ate at Crave and I got to order my own sausage pizza. I ate TWO whole slices and some beet and sweet potato chips. I was so good! It was loads of fun. I started calling Mommy "ma ma" today and I can now tell you that I am "Audrey". If you were wondering, I have been saying "da da" for about seven months.

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