Sunday, September 30, 2007

Six months old today!

I am a 1/2-year old today. Can you see me pointing to the sign? I said Mama for the first time today. I have been saying Dada for a while. I also learned to point this week. I can reach out my finger and do the E.T. Phone Home sign. Cool, huh?

1 comment:

Lee Hamill said...

We just viewed your blog. What fun! Audrey you are soooo cute. We also like the pictures of Lula Mae, Mommie, Daddy, and all your Grandparents. Owen is coming to visit us on Oct. 24th so we are getting excited. Have you seen Owen on his blog? He is 1 month younger than you are. I know he has been checking you out. Sorry we don't know how to change our blog greeting.
Lee & Bob in Cedar Rapids.